Paint Your Own Kits

A great selection of Paint Own Mug Kits available from 1 - 10 pack size perfect for parties!! The pack includes paints, paintbrush(es), mug(s), an ideas and instruction sheet. You could paint a mug for yourself, for someone else paint with a child for mummies, daddies grandparents eg or give the kit as a gift to someone who loves arts and crafts. We use the finest paints supplied by Pebeo - the same as we use on our ranges - when your mug is airdried (min 24hrs) bake in the oven at home for a hand washable mug. On the single and pair packs we have added raffia and a tag no need to buy gift wrap use the box, wrap around the raffia and write your message on the tag. Perfect!
- Mair Williams
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