Mother's Day Gifts
In most parts of the world Mothers Day is in May. In the UK it moves in the month of March this year 2021 it's Sunday March the 14th.
We have lots of different hand painted and printed gift ideas: personalised china mugs, gin or wine glasses with matching coasters.
A really, really personalised gift is a paint by numbers mug which can be painted by the family for Mummy. Each mug comes with our own printed design that we have created in our studio, numbered paints, paintbrush, an easy to follow coloured in paint by numbers guide and our letter to you with preparation, handy hints and baking instructions for the mug. The paints are the same ones we use for our own ranges and are manufactured by Pebeo they are safe to use for children and adults. The mugs are suitable for adults and children from age 7 upwards (together with help from the grown ups!)
- mair williams
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